Gwin Dylanwad Wine and Pair a Privy
One of our regular supporters, Dylan Rowlands has recently celebrated his 60th birthday! Dylan's 60th birthday marks a century since his great grandfather, Thomas Rowlands, died. Thomas spent over 50 years working in Madagascar helping local Malagasy and wrote books about his experiences.
Dylan owns a cellar shop, café and bar in Wales. The wine shop has wines sourced from across the globe, with only the highest quality of wines chosen.
In memory of his great grandfather and as a support to Money for Madagascar (MfM), Dylan has themed the front of his shop around our Pair a Privy appeal which involves raising funds to purchase a lifesaving toilet block for an isolated school in Madagascar.
We thank Dylan for his generosity and look forward to seeing what he will achieve with his fundraising.

If any MfM supports are in the area, why not try out Dylan's fine wines and lovely food.

Dylan's website
Pair a Privy Appeal