Money for Madagascar (MfM) would like to share with you the story of two Lancaster children who have been running fundraising activities during Lent to raise money for MfM.
Hearing about the famine which has been affecting Madagascar, Benjamin, age 8, decided he wanted to raise money to help those affected. Ben ran a "guess the name of the bear" competition at Quernmore primary school. He charged 50 pence per guess, with the winner receiving a bear which was beautifully hand-knitted by our trustee Theresa. Benjamin raised £38.35 for the famine appeal.
Benjamin |
Peter, age 5, also wanted to raise money to help those affected by the famine. He ran a 'guess the number of sweets in the jar' competition at Christ Church Primary School in Lancaster. He charged 20p per guess, and managed to raise an amazing £70!
Peter |
Money for Madagascar would like to thank both Benjamin and Peter for their phenomenal efforts to raise money for those affected by this famine. We would also like to thank all those who took part in these competitions, and the staff for supporting their efforts. A special thank you to Theresa Haine our trustee who continues to knit bears and lemurs to support our various initiatives. Its always nice to see something positive amidst the endless negativity in the news and media!
If you would like to know more about what MfM does, or make a donation – any money you give will be guaranteed to make a direct difference in Madagascar – please see our website –
Thank you!